Conversion Optimization Made Easy - Eric Sachs SEO

Conversion Optimization Made Easy

It’s one thing to drive traffic to your website; it’s another entirely to convince the people who visit your homepage or your landing page to take a very specific, desired action. Even the most sought-after products and hot ticket businesses struggle in this area sometimes; that’s where conversion optimization comes in. If you’re not familiar […]

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The Future of Crowdsourcing: How Start-ups Benefit - Eric Sachs SEO

The Future of Crowdsourcing: How Start-ups Benefit

Many entrepreneurs feel like they have to do everything alone – including coming up with new ideas, making customer profiles, marketing and developing new products. The evolution of the internet and digital marketing makes it a lot easier for businesses to get input from others via crowdsourcing. No matter what your cause or need, this […]

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What 2018 Taught Us About Social Media - Eric Sachs SEO

What 2018 Taught Us About Social Media

One thing is for sure: the social media world is ever-evolving and there is no sign of a slow-down in sight. There were a lot of changes in 2018, each providing a lesson and a great deal of insight on how the public perceives and uses available platforms. But as far as changes go, some […]

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Is Your Ad Copy Facebook Compliant? - Eric Sachs SEO

Is Your Ad Copy Facebook Compliant?

We’ve all had it happen at least once — the dreaded ding of a new notification that declares your Facebook ad was denied. It usually comes with a vague comment about following Facebook’s ad rules. Sometimes (if you’re lucky), you’ll get an equally confusing comment about what part of the guidelines you may or may […]

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