Is Your Website Content Relevant, or Boring? - Eric Sachs SEO

Is Your Website Content Relevant, or Boring?

You’ve probably heard a million times that “content is king” and that you need to create as much of it as possible for your website and other online platforms. Content isn’t worth anything, though, if it isn’t high-quality and relevant to your goals and message. Your audience needs to find it useful and applicable to […]

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How to Create a Usable, Workable Customer Persona - Eric Sachs SEO

How to Create a Usable, Workable Customer Persona

We talk a lot in marketing about knowing who your target audience is, but in many cases we don’t dig much deeper than age ranges, geographic locations, and interests.  All of this is great, but it still produces a picture that often requires significant customization and adjustments after the fact. Trial and error, if you […]

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How to Get Useful High-Quality Leads from Your Customers - Eric Sachs SEO

How to Get Useful High-Quality Leads from Your Customers

Looking for new leads isn’t every business owner’s favorite task. It’s time-consuming, and some people are just uncomfortable cold-calling, following up with strangers, and networking in general. All of those are issues you should try to overcome, but we’ll talk about strategies to help you meet that particular goal another day. In the meantime, let’s […]

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Keeping Automated Outreach Marketing Personal - Eric Sachs SEO

Keeping Automated Outreach Marketing Personal

How can something be automated and personal? Don’t the two terms contradict one another? In marketing, you hear two things preached more often than anything else: focus on building quality relationships with your customers through personalization, but automate your marketing where you can. After all, there are only so many hours in a day, and […]

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