ipad social media

Mobile Wins: Google Using Mobile-First Indexing

In November, Google started using mobile-first indexing. This move is the first stage of the death of the desktop in terms of ranking sites. Under this process, Google looks at the mobile version of your website first to determine the ranking, and then falls back to the desktop version when it cannot locate a mobile […]

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Decoding Search Engine Speak: Friendly vs. Optimized

This post was originally published on Sachs Marketing Group. In online marketing, a lot of terms are thrown around. Some are easier to understand than others, and some are used interchangeably, when they don’t mean the same thing. In search engine optimization (SEO), there are two common phrases – search engine friendly and search engine optimized […]

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local SEO

Local SEO Tactics for Brick and Mortar Businesses

This post was originally published on Sachs Marketing Group. If you’re a brick-and-mortar business that serves one or more local areas, the traditional search engine optimization (SEO) approach won’t deliver the same impactful results you’d see if you were marketing on a national level. By making use of geographical keywords, local SEO, you’re alerting search engines […]

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annoying social media

Top Annoying Social Media Habits to Avoid

This post was originally published on Sachs Marketing Group. These days, having a stellar social presence is essential for online business growth, but simply creating profiles, getting followers, and posting whatever you want, whenever you want, isn’t enough to get there. There must be strategy, of course, but even when you operate within a strategy, […]

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