
Guide to Using Google Analytics to Improve Your SEO

If you’ve got a website, chances are you’re using Google Analytics to get information about the traffic that’s visiting it. If you’re not, you should be. I’m going to assume you’ve already got the tracking code installed on your website, so if that’s not the case, learn how to do it here. It’ll take about 24 hours for Google to start collecting information about your property, so once you see data in there, you can come back to learn how to make it work for you.

Get a Look at Your Organic Search Traffic

If you see a decline in your overall traffic, you should never automatically assume the dip is a result of a decline in organic search traffic. Of course, it could be, but taking the time to dig a bit deeper may reveal your organic traffic is up, but other traffic sources are down.

To find out more, click Acquisition > All Traffic > Channels. There you will see traffic sources segmented by channel. Now, click “Organic Search” to get a view of nothing but your organic search traffic.

This report will help you see the keywords that drive the most traffic, which search engines are bringing you the most traffic, the most commonly landed on pages, the most common exit pages, and more.

See Where People Are Landing on Your Site

If you want to see which pages on your website are getting the most visitors, click Behavior > Site Content > All Pages. You can see how many page views each page is getting, along with the amount of time people are spending on your website, the bounce rate, and the percent of users that leave your site after looking at the page.

But let’s go a bit further. Click Landing Pages to see which pages they view the first time they come to your website. Compare these with the most popular pages. This can help you see which pages people like to visit more often. You may wish to add them to your side bar, or feature them as sticky posts on your home page. By making it easier for users to visit your most popular pages, you’ll also help increase the amount of time they spend on your website.

Now let’s take a second to talk bounce rate. This refers to the percentage of your users who left your website without going to a second page. The lower this rate, the better. If you notice it’s high – that usually means they didn’t find the information they were looking for on the page, and went to find it on another website.

So, take a look at the most common search queries for the page, and make sure the information on the page addresses the issues related to the query. If it does – take a look at what you can do to improve it. Can you tighten up the copy? Make it more engaging? Move some things around to make the information they are looking for easier to find? Whatever pages have a high percentage should be addressed so you can get the bounce rate down and keep them looking around your website.

Your landing page report will show you the most popular pages first. You should focus on the pages that have the highest number of impressions, as well as the pages that have the lowest click through rate. Your click through rate will be lower than your overall compared to the queries repot, since this report looks at all your keywords, not just the individual ones.

As you look at this report, cross reference it with the organic traffic above, and plug information into a spreadsheet. You should include a list of all the landing pages that have a high likelihood of driving leads and sales, and all the keywords related to the landing pages you’re all ready getting impressions for, that have a click through rate of less than 7%. Include your average ranking position for each keyword, too.

Get Basic Demographics About Your Audience

It’s important to know where where your audience is coming from. Click Audience > Geo > Location. Segment to organic traffic. Let’s assume you’ve got a global audience, even if that’s not the case. (If your visitors are only coming from one country, then you need to only target that country.) But, if you find your audience is coming from all over the world, you should be targeting users in the countries on your report.

To target a single country, login into your Google Search Console and select your website. Click on the gear icon, and then choose “site settings.” Look for the box that says “Target users in:” and select the country you’re targeting. This works well if you’re focused on a single country, but if you’re attracting visitors from all over the globe, skip this.

In any case, understanding where your audience is coming from will you give an idea of additional keywords you may want to target to bring in visitors from multiple countries.

Let’s say you want to find out even more about your audience. Click Audience > Demographics > Overview. You’ll see the audience breakdown by gender and age, which can help you ensure your content and keywords align with their interests.

See Site Speed Information

Google Analytics allows you to see the page loading time, which can be a major factor in the customer experience. Not only this, but it is a ranking factor – albeit one that doesn’t hold as much weight as some others. I’m not going to discuss the various ways you can improve your site speed here, as that’s outside the scope of this article. I’m just going to show you how to find out the average page load time for each of the pages on your site, so you can dig deeper and look for ways to improve it on your own, as needed.

Navigate to Behavior > Site Speed > Page Timings. I prefer to set one column to the page load time, and the other column to the % exit, so I can watch for patterns in the load time and the number of people who leave the site on that page. Then, I set the medium to organic, so I can see what’s happening specifically to my audience coming from organic search traffic.

When you do it this way, the top row will show you the average page load time size life, and the average exit percentage. You’ll see everything on a page-by-page basis, so you can see which pages are loading slower (and faster) than the site wide average. You shouldn’t be surprised if you notice a trend between slower loading pages and a higher exit percentage.

The PageSpeed Insights tool from Google helps you find ways to make your site faster and more mobile friendly, so if you’re just in charge of SEO – ask your developers to start here.

Once you make improvements on the page load times, run the report again and compare it to the old data to show how much more search traffic you retain, and what traffic most likely converted as a result of the improvements.

Remember, research shows 74% people expect your site to load within two seconds or less, while 40% of people will abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load. And for every one-second delay, you can expect a 7% decrease in conversion rates. To put that in perspective for you, that’s an annual loss of $2.5 million for an e-commerce site that earns $100,000 a day – with just a one second delay.

Pulling the Data Together to Create a Plan of Action

That spreadsheet is the start of your plan. Look at your rankings, and treat them all of they were between 1 and 10, since that’s how many results Google shows on each page. If you rank 49, consider that a #9 ranking position.

Now, highlight anything that ranks 1-4 in green. Anything below that gets highlighted in red.

Next, look at the click through rates. Highlight any keywords in positions 7-10 with click through rates higher than 3% in green, and anything less than 3% in red. Highlight keywords in positions 4-6 with click through rates 8% or higher in green, and less than that in red.

Now, for keywords ranking in positions 1-3, look at click through rates at 20% or higher and highlight those in green. Less than 20%? You’ve got it – highlight it in red.

Now, you’ll be able to see the areas where you need to work to improve your overall SEO. Work on both link building and on page SEO improvements in those areas. Bear in mind pages with lower click through rates need improvements made in the title and meta descriptions, to make them more enticing to click.

Getting More from Google Analytics

If you want to get even more information for Google Analytics, connect your account to both Google Search Console and Google AdWords. When linked together with those products, you can get an even more comprehensive view of what’s going on with your website. You can even create your own custom dashboard, so it’s easier to get the information you want at a glance right when you login.

It may seem like a pain to dig into the data, but data-driven decisions can help you stay on the right track from the beginning, rather than taking a shot in the dark. Of course you’ll never truly be able to predict user behavior with 100% accuracy, but it’s better than randomly trying various tactics and seeing what sticks.


A Complete Guide to Google’s SEO Updates From 2016

In the early days, Google wasn’t as robust or accurate as it we know it to be today. It was incredibly easy to rank for anything – whether contextually related to the actual content of your website or not – with keyword stuffing and other shady practices. Ranking for just about anything was as simple as using the keywords you wanted to rank for in the meta keyword section of your code – a practice that doesn’t do anything today.

Today, Google processes at least2trillion searches per year, and has grown from a simplistic search engine into an extensive network of products and services. Beyond things like YouTube, AdWords, AdSense, Drive, and Analytics, Google is changing the way we live, work, and play. With products such as Android OS, Chromecast, Google Assistant, Google Home, and Pixel – and services like Google Play Music, and Google Play Movies and TV, you can’t go far or do much without something Google related in your life.

Even though Google is rapidly growing their business outside of the search engine, there’s been no shortage of work on it. First and foremost, Google is a business, with customers to keep happy – and one of the ways they can do that is to improve the user experience one search at a time.  This translates to working to better understand the user’s query,improving the quality of results, the speed at which the results are delivered, and creating a seamless transition between desktop and mobile devices.

Over the years, we’ve seen Google rock the internet marketing and SEO world with major updates like Penguin and Panda – aimed at penalizing sites with low quality content not really helping the audiences they were intended for, and penalizing sites that were engaging in spammy link practices to try to rank higher.

As Google cracked down on those sites – millions saw changes in ranking. Some were able to change strategies and recover, while others never quite made the cut. That brings us a bit closer to the Google we see today, which is still making changes for the better.

The infographic below highlights the algorithm changes seen in 2016. Though the actual algorithm is under lock and key, through information from Google itself, and other research and analysis, we do know a fairly decent amount about what factors are the most important in terms of SEO. While guaranteeing a number one rank in Google will always be impossible, we do know what it takes to get there, and can develop strategies to support that goal.

By understanding what changes occurred over the last calendar year, we can make sure our strategies are aligned with what both Google and users want… and Google wants you to put the users and their experience first, because it makes their job easier, too.

Did you experience any shifts in ranking because of the changes Google made last year? What kinds of changes are you expecting to see in 2017?


28 Free SEO Tools to Get You Started on the Right Path

Want to see how your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts are coming along? Not sure where to start with optimizing your website? Take a look at these tools, which will help address everything from keyword research to how the search engines see your site, link building, and more.

1. Google Search Console

Though Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools will require a bit of installation to make it work on your site – there are plugins available if you use WordPress – this can help you see what Google thinks of your website. It’s also possible to see any issues with bugs and indexing. They’ll send you alerts whenever they think something may be wrong with your website. Bing has a similar platform, aptly named Bing Webmaster Tools, so between the two, you can see what the top search engines think of your site.

2. Google Trends

Google Trends is an excellent tool to help you see how the interest in particular topics or search terms has changed over time. We see this happen a lot – around celebrities and events. If you notice the search volume is on the decline, it may be time to switch to another phrase or topic with more interest.

3. Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool

Structured data helps Google get the context of the information on your page, which helps ensure it gets ranked on the queries where it makes the most sense. The tool is designed to help you validate the structured data code for any page. All you have to do is copy and paste the code from your website to test it.

4. Google Analytics Referrer Spam Killer

Though this is not an official Google tool, the Referrer Spam Killer from AdWords Robot can be helpful from keeping your Google Analytics data from getting skewed. Referrer spam is a pain, and hard to stop, but with this, you can stop it from showing up in your Analytics data.

5. Google Mobile-Friendly Test

When Mobilegeddon hit, and websites without a mobile-friendly version were hit, Google released the Mobile-Friend Test to help web designers and developers determine whether or not there was a mobile version of the site available. Whether you use a responsive design, a WordPress plugin, or a completely separate mobile site, all you have to do is enter the URL. It’ll tell you whether or not Google sees a mobile-friendly version of your site.

6. Google Correlate

Google Correlate is a keyword tool from Google, that works a bit differently from the Keyword Planner tool. It provides a list of keywords that are searched for together. If you search for “dairy free” in the tool, you’ll find that people are also searching for “gluten free dairy” “gluten free dairy free” and “gluten and dairy free”. This approach can help you include more related keywords in your content, and help you generate ideas for more content.


If you want a quick and easy keyword research tool, is the answer. It can help you see what people are searching for, so you can develop your content calendar. Plus, if you find more fitting keywords for previously published content, you can go back in and edit everything accordingly. This is an excellent tool for finding long-tail keyword phrases, and everything is organized in alphabetical order.

8. Schema Creator

The Schema Creator tool allows you to create custom code so you can display certain things the way you want to on the SERPS. You can code your reviews, organizations, people, events, recipes, and more to display accordingly.

9. Open Site Explorer

The free version of Open Site Explorer provides a link analyzer, so you can see which links are making the most impact, and which pages are most often linked to.

10. LinkMiner

LinkMiner is a Chrome extension that checks for broken links on a page. This will also show you how many links are pointing to each broken link. Plus, it shows you how many outbound links a page shows right on the Google search engine results page (SERP). This way you can focus your efforts on the pages with the most broken link building opportunities.

11. Domain Hunter Plus

Domain Hunter Plus is a Chrome extension that checks any site to see there are broken links, but goes one step further. It also checks to see if the broken link’s domain is available for registration. It’s hard to find authoritative domains since they are snatched up pretty quick, but it’s helpful for broken link building.

12. QuickSprout Website Analyzer

QuickSprout Website Analyzer is a comprehensive tool that allows you to see everything from optimization, speed, tags, social activity, links, and even comparisons to your competitors.

13. HubSpot Website Grader

HubSpot’s Website Grader will give you a grade based on what your website looks like, along with suggestions about how to improve the grade.

14. LSI Graph

LSI Graph is a latent semantic indexing keyword generator, so you can sprinkle various related and common phrases throughout your content to ensure it is as natural as possible.

15. SEOBook Tools

SEOBook is home to a number of free and paid SEO tools. You can find free Firefox extensions for checking rank and getting competitive data. Other tools also include a keyword suggestion tool, a keyword list generator, a keyword list cleaner, a server header checker, a meta tag generator, a robot.txt tool, a typo generator, an ad group generator, a spider test tool, a link suggestion tool, a page comparison tool, and a keyword wrapper.

16. XML Sitemaps

XML Sitemaps is a website that allows you to create an XML sitemap for your website. All you have to enter the URL to your website, and wait. With this tool, a maximum of 500 pages will be indexed. If you have more than that, check out the Google Sitemap Generator, because it indexes an unlimited number of pages. When you’re finished, you can upload the sitemap into Google Search Console.

17. Ahrefs’ Site Explorer

The Site Explorer Tool from Ahrefs’ is a free version of the premium Ahrefs tool. You can see dashboards for referring pages, as well as information about the inbound links to your page.

18. Copyscape

If you’re worried about duplicate content or content theft, you can use Copyscape to check for it. All you have to do is enter the URL for your website or blog post, and it will tell you whether or not content already exists online. This is also a useful tool to make sure your content creators are not accidentally producing content that could be considered duplicate.

19. Gogretel

Gogretel is an on-page SEO analysis tool. It looks at everything from your content to page load speed.

20. Soovle

Soovle is a keyword autocomplete tool that goes beyond Google searches to also include YouTube, Amazon, and even Wikipedia. It’s useful for keyword research and content brainstorming.

21. Robots.txt Generator

If you want to keep the search engine bots from indexing certain pages on your website, such as content you’d like to keep gated, then you need a robots.txt file. This robots.txt generator makes it easy for you dictate what you want to block – just by entering your URL, along with the directories and pages you want to exclude.

22. Mozbar

This is a toolbar from Moz that allows you to create custom searches. It gives you valuable metrics right on the SERP with an on-page highlighter. You can export the data to a CSV file, so you can compare data overtime.

23. Check My Links

Checks My Links is a Chrome extension that checks any webpage for broken links. This is an excellent tool if you use broken link building in your strategy.


If you’re dealing with a lot of spam backlinks and you want to improve your rankings – you can use to create a clean disavow file to upload into the Google Search Console. This lets Google know you don’t want them to count those backlinks.

25. Similar Content Prospecting Tool

The Similar Content Prospecting Tool provides you with a list of 120 pages that have already linked out to content on your topic. This makes it easier to find out who you should reach out to when prospecting for links.

26. Microdata Generator

The Microdata Generator makes it easy for you to create local SEO scheme. All you have to do is enter the basic business information, such as address, phone number, and operating hours. Then you’re good to go.

27. Search Latte

Search Latte lets you see the search results for more than 150 international versions of Google. All you have to do is choose your keyword, then select your international version of Google. This is a time saver because it requires no virtual private network (VPN) or proxy server.

28. Bonus: Search Google in Incognito

If you open an incognito window – to remove any customized search data Google has stored – and begin to search Google, for anything, you can get a list of autofill options. This can help you with keyword research, because these are commonly searched long-tail keyword phases.

Plus, if you really want to see where you’re ranking on a phrase, using the incognito window can help you see where you actually rank. Typically, you’ll rank higher if you search outside of that incognito window because of the stored data.

Everything You Need to Get Started

Sure, these free tools may have some limitations, and there are a number of premium tools available to help you out. But, for the company on a budget who can’t afford to hire an official team of SEO experts, these tools are better than nothing. Your SEO matters – because it’s what helps customers find you. Ignoring it completely isn’t good business sense.

Did I miss any awesome tools? Which ones are your favorites? Do you like web-based tools, or browser plugins the best? Let me know in the comments.

Digital Marketing

Top Industry Conferences You Must Attend to Up Your Game

If you are involved in creating content or online marketing, it is essential to have the latest information to remain relevant and effective. The following conferences provide powerful information each year. Some are massive in size and attract industry leaders from around the world while others offer more intimate settings and give attendees the opportunity to make connections with presenters and other guests.

Each one offers something slightly different. For those who are able, attending more than one each year can be extremely beneficial.


MozCon Local

MozCon Local is a two-day annual event held in Seattle, Washington, in February. It is hosted by Moz, which sells inbound marketing and analytics software subscriptions. The company was founded in 2004 and began hosting events in 2006. What started as a summer training event has turned into an SEO extravaganza.

The conference has a large panel of regional and national brands, business owners, and agency marketers who are able to offer the latest cutting edge techniques and insights. Some of the topics covered include SEO to increase local rankings, content creation tips, obtaining reviews, and building citations. Those attending the conference are able to participate in a live question and answer session with panelists which allows many to have their exact concerns addressed in a way that simply isn’t possible at larger events.



MozCon is also hosted by Moz in Seattle, Washington. It is another annual event that is typically held in the summer. This is a three-day event that focuses on giving actionable information related to brand development, CRO, SEO, the latest information on the mobile landscape, how to improve customer experiences, analytics, content marketing, social marketing, and more.

Nights are devoted to networking opportunities. This year, there will be a pub crawl, a meet and greet combined with short discussions on hobbies and passion projects, and a large party on the final day. This gives conference goers a chance to really get to know others in the industry on both a professional and personal level. The extended periods of socializing facilitate a greater sense of personal community that can be invaluable throughout the year.


Adobe Summit

The Adobe Summit is one of the most significant digital marketing conferences of the year. It is hosted each year in Las Vegas. The three-day event is preceded by an optional two-day preconference training experience which provides detailed courses led by Adobe Digital Learning Services.

The main event offers more than 150 labs and sessions in eight core fields of study; cross-channel marketing, data-driven marketing, customer experience, integrated marketing cloud, hands-on labs, mobile marketing, marketing innovations, and programmatic advertising.

In addition to the remarkable training opportunities, the summit also has substantial opportunities for guests to network. The welcome reception allows attendees to network with industry leaders, summit sponsors, and Adobe experts. At the end of the summit, a final bash features private entertainment from headliner artists.


Digital Marketing Innovation Summit

The Digital Marketing Innovation Summit, or #DigiMarketing, is held in New York and organized by Innovation Enterprise. The company organizes numerous global summits on specific topics such as digital strategy innovation, women in strategy, modern data management, and predictive analytics innovation. They are thought leaders that cultivate the most recent information in the field and create white papers, webinars, eBooks, and in-depth articles for their audience.

The focus of this summit is on brand communication to create a greater customer reach and return. There are more than 28 industry leaders who will be presenting and more than 150 senior level attendees. Topics include information on the latest SEO best practices, monetization of social media presence, developing relevant content to increase outreach, improving customer experiences by creating a multichannel experience, personalizing the customer’s experience with advanced attribution and tracking techniques, and methods to establish real connections in the industry.

The two-day event offers on-demand access to all presentations after the conference and more than 20 hours of networking opportunities.


Social Media Marketing World

Social Media Marketing World is a three-day event held in San Diego, California. It is advertised as the largest conference devoted entirely to social media marketing. More than 120 industry leaders give live presentations to about 3,000 attendees every year. The content is tightly focused and pitch free, a considerable draw for many guests and offers insights for both creators and marketers.

During the day, there are structured networking opportunities scheduled throughout the day. Four different events ensure no one is forced to miss a presentation in order to make room in their schedule to network with other attendees. There are also networking ambassadors who help people make the connections they most need. Networking lunches, power walks, and parties are also part of the package ensuring guests will have ample time to learn the newest techniques and make lasting connections.


Content Marketing World

CM World has been billed as the largest content marketing event in the world. It is a four-day event with more than 80 workshops and learning sessions presented by 225 industry leaders. Topics include measurement, strategy, and integration.The 2016 event hosted nearly 4,000 marketers from more than 50 countries and 2017 is expected to have even more attendees.

In addition to learning all the latest tips and tricks in the world of content creation, there are also ample opportunities to network with the presenters, sponsors, and other guests.


Content Marketing Conference

The Content Marketing Conference and Expo is celebrating its third year. The three-day event will be held in Boston this year. The previous conferences were held in Las Vegas and drew more than 300 guests in 2016. The core focus of this conference is helping attendees learn new techniques to organically grow their business with content marketing.

The theme this year is “Superpower Your Tactics”. There will be 30 superhero presenters with 8 keynote addresses, 6 workshops, 6 tracks, and 30 tactical sessions. Some of the topics that will be covered include, optimizing conversion rates, content strategy, SEO best practices, content marketing, content creation strategy, content planning systems, content optimization, and productivity.

The event also has numerous networking opportunities built in throughout the day and group events each night to promote interaction between attendees, sponsors, and presenters.


Marketo Marketing Nation Summit

The Marketing Nation Summit is one of the leading industry events for anyone in the field of digital marketing. This four-day event in San Francisco brings together leaders from marketing, IT, services, advertising and more. Before the conference even begins, attendees have the option to attend the pre-conference University Day which features additional workshops, presentations, and demonstrations by Marketo experts.

One of the unusual benefits of attending the summit is an opportunity to take the Marketo certification exam before leaving to become a Certified Expert. This is a well-respected credential that indicates expertise for Marketo practitioners.

In addition to the core topics covered by presenters, there are also numerous opportunities for guests to network in the evenings and throughout the day.


Gartner Digital Marketing Conference

The Gartner Digital Marketing Conference is hosted in San Diego, California. It is specifically designed for those who have a role in one of the following fields; marketing, analytics, customer experience and commerce, and multichannel marketing.

The topics for the conference include actionable information for marketing leaders who need new techniques to thrive during an era of empowered customers. New technologies, trends, techniques, and tools are covered to help conference attendees master their craft. The three primary tracks for this year’s conference are differentiation with a customer-first policy, facilitating multichannel growth strategies, and leveraging technology for a marketing advantage.

Specific topics on the agenda include marketing budgets, ad strategy, and efficacy, content marketing, customer journey mapping, choosing service providers, data-driven marketing, data management platforms, and multichannel marketing.

Networking breaks are scheduled throughout the day to ensure people have time to connect with those at the conference. There are also events planned before the beginning of each day and at the end to provide additional opportunities for industry leaders to connect.


Social Media Week

Social Media Week is both an organization and a collection of annual conferences. They host conferences on six continents for a total of more than 70,000 attendees, 5,000 speakers, and an additional 1 million people connecting to the events via mobile and social channels.

The global theme for all of the 2017 conferences revolves around algorithms and their role in the communication of the future. Discussions about the advances in software to cultivate and manage digital content and how it will impact our ability to communicate with one another will be the primary focus.

Five trends in this area will also be explored, including the emerging role of video, the power of messaging applications, the prominence of voice interfaces, machine assisted communication, and immersive experiences with augmented and virtual reality.

New elements of language that have begun to emerge will also be examined. These include GIFs, emojis, voice command, chatbots, online video, geo filters, and haptic responses. Presenters will look at how these innovations are fundamentally changing the way we communicate with one another, companies, and our devices and the impact it will have on future content development and marketing.

Official conferences will be held in Hamburg, Lagos, New York, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Milan, Jakarta, London, Miami, São Paulo, Chicago, and Rotterdam. Independent conference cities include Atlanta, Austin, Copenhagen, Toronto, Bristol, Rome, and Dubai.


Search Love

Search Love conferences are hosted by Distilled, an online marketing firm. The company holds several two-day events around the world. In 2017 there will be Search Love conferences in San Diego, Boston, and London.

These events will gather industry leaders from around the world to discuss the latest breakthroughs in analytics, search, content creation, paid promotions, and website optimization. These conferences tend to be midrange in size which makes them fantastic opportunities to network with not only other guests but also the presenters.


SEOToolSet Training

SEOToolSet is a company that offers advanced SEO tools for organic optimization. The founder, Bruce Clay began finding ways for websites to increase their search ranking in 1996. By 2000 the field of optimization was beginning to explode and spam began to increase exponentially. Bruce realized the industry needed a leader to provide ethical and effective SEO practices. He began sharing his knowledge and tools in training sessions that year.

The code of ethics he created at the same time has been translated into 18 languages and the training course he developed soon included a certification process for dedicated marketers who realized the value of ethical practices.

SEOToolSet Training is primarily held in California. Three 5-day training sessions are scheduled for 2017. These classes are held in intimate settings that facilitate greater learning opportunities for students. The founder takes part in the training along with other Bruce Clay, Inc., SEO specialists. The training sessions are ideal for anyone who has a need to understand SEO more thoroughly. This includes business owners, IT specialists, marketing managers, content creators, and web developers.


An Event Apart

There are multiple locations for An Event Apart each year. The 2017 locations include Seattle, Boston, Washington D.C., Chicago, San Francisco, and Denver. They are designed for UX developers, professionals, graphic designers, UI designers, and interaction designers. Project managers, marketers, writers, editors, and strategists also attend for the powerful presentations.

Each event takes place over the course of three days. Expert speakers discuss code, design, and content creation. There are ample opportunities for networking with other attendees and speakers.


Professional Development is Essential

In a field that changes as rapidly as digital marketing, professional development is essential for those who wish to provide the best results for themselves and their customers. Due to the pace at which the field evolves, traditional college courses and professional development classes aren’t typically the best solution. Professional conferences provide attendees with maximum access to some of the most brilliant minds in the field along with their latest tips, techniques, and advice for the upcoming year.

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